
Homework From The Vortex…

Okay, as mentioned in this week’s show, here’s the update on your homework assignments if you’d like to follow along…

On 4/20 we’ll finish up the remaining 5 parts (6-10) of “The War Games” with second Doctor Patrick Troughton on Friday Night Who.  We push play at midnight if you’d like to join us…

We’ll spend episode #69 covering the epic “The War Games”.

Friday Night Who on 4/27 will see us jump forward to Peter Davison’s fifth Doctor era for “Arc Of Infinity”.

And show number #70 will cover “Arc Of Infinity” and Big Finish #47 “Omega”.

On 5/4 our Friday Night Who will feature sixth Doctor, Colin Baker in “The Mark Of The Rani”

Here’s a milestone to set your clocks for, TTV #71 will be our reviews of series 2 of The Sarah Jane Adventures.  This means you have 3 weeks to watch them!

FNW on 5/11 features seventh Doctor Sylvester McCoy in “Time And The Rani”

Episode #72 will be an Adversary Archive on The Rani, including our reviews of “Mark Of The Rani” and “Time And The Rani”

On 5/18 we’ll start the Dalek War box set on Friday Night Who with “Frontier In Space” staring third Doctor Jon Pertwee.

And Traveling The Vortex episode #73 brings all of the previous week’s villains back for an encore discussion of Rogues And Renegades in our Adversary Archive.

FNW 5/25 will be the second part of the Dalek War box, “Planet Of The Daleks” also featuring Jon Pertwee

Daleks on Friday Night Who?  That can mean only one thing! Episode #74, Adversary Archive: The Daleks IV! Covering “Frontier In Space”, “Planet Of The Daleks”, and Big Finish #7 “The Genocide Machine (Dalek Empire 1)”

and on the horizon?  All things Shada…

Rascals, Rogues and Renegades: Vortex Homework

Good morning! (Or Good afternoon or Good evening depending on your particular time zone) here’s an update on some of the fun things we have planned coming up on the really big show.

(Thanks, Mr. Sullivan!)

Friday Night Who this week is the just released in North America “The Robots Of Death – Special Edition” staring Tom Baker.

Show #65 is a big one.  We’ll discuss new companion Jenna-Louise Coleman, our experiences at KC Planet Comicon, and hopefully have some live reports from The Official Doctor Who Convention in Cardiff from roving Traveling The Vortex reporter Philip Malkin.

For the One Year Anniversary of Friday Night Who on 3/30 we return to Jon Pertwee’s era with “The Sea Devils” (which means Shaun will finally get a chance to see it.)

Our planned companion archive for Leela gets bumped to the following show, #66 as we’ll review “The Face Of Evil” and “The Robots Of Death”

Then in APRIL we see the start of the Renegades, as our 4/6 Friday Night Who is “The Time Meddler” with William Hartnell.

Traveling The Vortex #67 will review “The Time Meddler” AND Big Finish #1 “Sirens Of Time”.

4/13 for Friday Night Who will be the first part of “The War Games” with Patrick Troughton. We’re only doing Parts 1-5 this week!

More Big Finish on the way for episode #68, a companion archive for Evelyn Smythe.  Big Finish #6 “The Marion Conspiracy”, #9 “The Spectre Of Lanyon Moor”, and #22 “Bloodtide”.

On 4/20 we’ll finish up the remaining 5 parts of “The War Games” on Friday Night Who.

We’ll spend episode #69 covering the epic “The War Games”

Friday Night Who on 4/27 will see us jump forward to the Peter Davison era for “Arc Of Infinity”.

And show number #70 will cover “Arc Of Infinity” and Big Finish #47 “Omega”

That’ll take us all the way to May, so you’ve got your assignments outlined!

What’s that?  You wanna know what’s up in May?  Hmmm… More Renegades, Sarah Jane,  and the return of everyone’s favorite pepper pots…

New Companion Ident Confirmed

** The following article contains SPOILERS **

Jenna-Louise Coleman was announced as the new companion to the Doctor today by the BBC and Steven Moffat.  We’ve known since Christmas that Amy and Rory would be making an exit from the show sometime this season, and that the Doctor would find a new companion.  Well the details are here (at least some of them, so wait no longer.)

The 25 year old from Blackpool has already made a name for herself on the soap Emmerdale, having been nominated for a National Television Award, British Soap Award, and TV Choice Award.

More details can be found here, from the official BBC Doctor Who Page, and BBC America has a fun selection of clips of some of her other work.  An interview with the actress about being chosen for Doctor Who can be found on the BBC News page.

Here’s the tweet stream from the official BBC Doctor Who Twitter Page:

Jenna-Louise Coleman announced as the new Doctor Who companion. More to come….

“I want to get started already” says Jenna. “I’m a huge fan of the show”. Of her favourite companion “Between Billie Piper & Karen Gillan”

“Matt Smith did my audition with me. It was fun and I felt like we were in it together” says Jenna.

Steven: “We saw a lot of brilliant actresses. But Jenna was the only person going faster than Matt – he had to keep up!”

There will be 6 episodes this year, including the Xmas Special. Then 8 next year. Jenna’s character will first be seen at Xmas.

No announcement on plans for the 50th anniversary given today.

Steven “Amy & Rory will leave in a final encounter with the Weeping Angels in ep 5. Not everyone gets out alive and I mean it this time”

Jenna has asked us to remind you that she does not have and doesn’t plan to have a Twitter account. Beware of imposters!

Happy Birthday Peter, Bruno and Timothy!

The march of the March babies just keeps parading in, and today we celebrate another two-fer.

Today marks what would have been the late Peter Pratt’s 89th birthday.  Pratt was the second actor to play the Master, following Roger Delgado.  He was buried under a lot of make up and ping-pong ball eyes in 1975’s “The Deadly Assassin”.

Also celebrating today is Bruno Langley who played short-term companion Adam Mitchell in “Dalek” and “The Long Game”.  He turns 29 today.

Rounding out the birthday list is Rassilon himself (from End of Time) Timothy Dalton! How fitting that with all our James Bond tangenting of late about the secret agent. One of the 007s himself turns 68. Happy birthday to him!


Happy Birthday Shaun and John!

Beware the Ides Of March!

Well that’s a fine birthday wish if ever I heard one.  Today marks Shaun’s 39th (gulp!) birthday.

March is also the birth month for John Leeson, who famously played the voice of K9.

For some reason, no one knows the actual day of his birth,  (though the year was 1943, so he’s 69 this month) so I figured he could celebrate with me!  Happy birthday, John!

Quadruple Birthday Wishes!

Today marks a bevy of birthdays in the Whoniverse, two onscreen, and two off.

Let’s start with the off-screen birthdays.  First up, today marks what would have been the late great Douglas Adams’ 60th Birthday.  Adams, of course is best known for THE HITCHHIKER’S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY, but he also wrote the episodes “City Of Death”, “The Pirate Planet”, and the never fully produced “Shada”, as well as serving as a script editor for the show.

Also celebrating today is Greame Harper who has been associated with Doctor Who in various capacities since the Pertwee years, but Harper is best known for his directing duties.  He is responsible for “Army Of Ghosts / Doomsday”, “The Stolen Earth / Journey’s End” and “The Waters Of Mars” to name a few, as well as several episodes of the spinoff The Sarah Jane Adventures, but he is renowned for helming “The Caves Of Adrozoni”.  Today Harper turns 67.

Our two on-screen birthday kids include John Barrowman, who plays everyone’s favorite rouge Captain Jack Harkness on both Doctor Who and Torchwood.  He celebrates birthday number 45 today.

And last but certainly not least is the Doctor’s wife herself, River Song.  Alex Kingston turns 49 today, though we don’t think she looks a day over 29.

Please join Traveling The Vortex in raising a glass to toast best wishes to all of them!

Gally On A Budget, Or: How To Empty Your Bank Account In Ten Easy Steps…

So a few tips for travelers who read or listened to all the wonderful Gally coverage both here and on other sites, and have their sights set on next year.  These are by no means MUST DOs, simply observations from a first timer who plans on going back:

1) BUY EARLY – Gally accepted memberships all the way up through Sunday of the con. But if you know you’re going, buy the membership as soon as they are made available (usually mid March) for the discounted price.  Even at full price Gally memberships are a steal ($90 for a whole weekend!?!) but if you know you’re going, why monkey around with paying more later?  That’s an autograph right there!

2) STAY WHERE YOU PLAY – The Marriott sold out this year, it looks to do so again.  Get your hotel reservations made, and made early.  Yes, there are other hotels within easy walking distance.  But the convenience factor AND con discount more than make it worth while.

3) BRING FRIENDS – The con discounted room price was about $100 a night.  If you cram four people into that room and split the costs, you can stay Thursday through Monday (enabling a lobby con experience) and pay a hundo a person.  Worth it.

4) BE PICKY WITH FLIGHTS, BUT NOT TOO PICKY – Mel and I had a great rate on air fare, and waited for the tax return to come in to pay for it.  When it did, the rate had jumped up to FOUR TIMES what we thought it would be, enough to put the kibosh on the trip all together.  We wound up getting last minute tickets booked five days out for LESS than what our original price would have been.  BUT, we had to fly into another airport and rent a car.  This added to the over all cost, but it still wasn’t nearly as expensive as flying into LAX.  While that would have simplified things, you can be picky on how you get to Gally.  LA has like four major airports and a slew of ways to get around.  They may involve taxi cabs, shuttle busses, rental cars, LA traffic and accidental side trips to Pasadena, but if the cost factor makes up for it, don’t rule it out.

5) PLAN TO BUY FOOD – Every trip we think we can scrimp a bit on eating out, by doing the PB&J thing, or only eating two meals, Breakfast and Dinner.  The second one works fine (and really, when the con is in full swing, you won’t want to stop and eat anyway) but the first is an unrealistic pipe dream.  Bite the bullet and plan on spending some dough on food.  The Marriott has a decently priced restaurant, sports bar and a swank steak house, and there are several fast food joints within walking distance (Burger King, Subway, Carl’s Jr.) along with a smattering of restaurants like Denny’s.  This is the airport, after all.

6) MAKE A LIST FOR SOUVENIR SHOPPING – Mel and I did pretty good in the dealers room, and only bought a few things that we really wanted.  But that was because we had a list of items we were looking for, and stuck to it, buying for us and gifts for friends.  The more time you spend IN the dealers room, the more tempted you are to purchase things you may not really want or need, but are dazzled by in the moment.

7) BE SMART WITH DEALERS ROOM PURCHASES – This goes without saying, but at every con, there’s a dealers table with DVD copies of Doctor Who.  REALLY?!?  You know you can get that on AMAZON and have it delivered to your door right?  For less money?  From OUR store?  Buy things you can’t get at home.

8 ) BUDGET FOR AUTOGRAPHS – This is the toughest one to do.  Mel and I again had a list of people that we knew we wanted, but once we got there, wound up getting several more we had no intention of, but everyone was so cool to talk to!  Plan on an average of $25 a pop, (Some were $30, some were only $15) but that includes the photo.  Leave yourself a bumper, so that if you wind up going a little overboard yore okay.  After all, THESE are things you CANT get at home.

9) GOT A PHOTO IN MIND?  BUY EARLY – The way Gally is laid out, you are entitled to a free autograph from certain people.  BUT, YOU HAVE TO PROVIDE THE ITEM FOR THEM TO SIGN! So if you walk up to the table and purchase an autograph, sure, they’ll sign it, but you just cost yourself the cost of the photo, when you could have had one free.  (Don’t get me wrong, I am NOT begrudging the talent’s option to make money.  They have to buy their own head shots from the studio, those are not provided free.  So it only makes sense for them to sell them at a con to make up the cost.) Because of that, if you go up to the table to purchase one, you are at the mercy of whatever the star brought with them, and they may not have the character / show / outfit / pose that you just have to have signed.  Or worse yet, they may run out! (Remember, over 3000 people attend this year).  If know a star is going to be there, and you know what you want them to sign, my advice is to buy it early and bring it with.  My William Russell autograph is not on what I would think of as a true “Ian” photo image.  I still treasure it, but I look at it and go… if only.  Some stars will charge you less for the autograph if you brought your own photo, some stars are free, and some are the same price.  But your happiness should make up for the few extra bucks you spent to get the right item to them, and you could conceivably defer that cost over the course of the year before hand.

10) BRING CASH – Most of the venders / autograph situations at Gally required greenbacks, even in the dealers room.  We made four separate trips to the ATM by the time the weekend was over, (two of them at another hotel because the Marriott one ran out of money by Noon on Saturday).  Firstly, no one wants to pay all those extra nickel and dime ATM fees, and secondly, having the cash forces you to stick to your budget a little bit closer than just pulling more money out of an already tapped checking account.  You still have to get home, remember?

Hope these thoughts help, but even with them, make sure you have some wiggle room.  There WILL be unexpected expenses, opportunities and things to buy.  And if you are serious about going, Mel, myself and the Vortex Boys would love to cram 15 more people into our room!