
First Time Attendee Gives Gally Tips

I found many friends from Gally, including Marcia Franklin who is better known as Neowhovian.  Marcia has a wonderful website,, with a great blog (now a Kindle e-book!) and fun reviews of Doctor Who DVDs.  With kind permission, she has allowed us to link to her blog recounting her thoughts on lessons learned from Gally, a fantastic primer for anyone thinking of coming down with us next year!

You can check out her pertinent thoughts here.

Coming Soon To The Vortex…

Recovering from Gallifrey One (and I do mean recovering. I think someone gave me the funk, but I’m hopeful it’s just sinuses.) and I thought maybe I should update all of you on the schedule, cause there’s a few big things on the horizon, and I know how some of you like to do your homework for our shows…

We’ll record episode #60 tonight, a full report of my experiences at Gally.  Mel will join us in studio, and you can look for this on the feeds tomorrow.

This Friday, 2/24, we’ll complete the Black Guardian Trilogy on Friday Night Who with “Enlightenment”.

Traveling The Vortex episode #61 will be our complete recap of the Black Guardian Trilogy, as we talk about all three Peter Davison episodes, “Mawdryn Undead”, “Terminus” and “Enlightenment”.

Barring such a long winded Gally breakdown that we go two episodes (which I don’t see happening. lol) the following week 3/2 on Friday Night Who, we’ll watch Colin Baker in “Attack Of The Cybermen”

TTV #62 is a review of The Sarah Jane Adventures: Series 1.  This is only two weeks out, so you may want to start working your way through them now!

FNW on 3/9 is Sylvester McCoy’s Cyberman story, “Silver Nemesis”

News to keep Keith happy, TTV #63 will be our second Adversary Archive on the Cybermen, as we discuss “Attack Of The Cybermen” and “Silver Nemesis”.

Taking advantage of the new DVD releases this month, Friday Night Who on 3/16 is “The Face Of Evil” with Tom Baker. (This title releases earlier that week in North America, so we are right out of the gate here!)

Another homework heavy podcast here, as TTV #64 is our second Big Finish block with Paul McGann, covering the next three 8th Doctor stories – #19 Minuet In Hell, #28 Invaders From Mars, and #29 The Chimes Of Midnight

FNW on 3/23 is another new release for this month, “The Robots Of Death – Special Edition” again with Tom Baker.

Episode #65 is, believe it or not, only our second Companion Archive, this one on Leela, and covers the two new releases we’ll have just watched, “The Face Of Evil” and “The Robots Of Death”.

So that brings you up to speed.  As always, the schedule is subject to change.  And because I know some of you are dying to plan out even farther,  let me give you a hint…



Gallifrey One Links

With everything that went on this weekend, it’s easy to see some things slip through the cracks or forget to get mentioned, while others deserve a second (or even third) plug.  Here’s a but a few links to things you should know from Gallifrey One’s Network 23…






UPCOMING CONS: Kansas City Planet ComicCon, Los Angeles LosCon 39, San Diego Condor 19, San Diego Gaslight II





The Last Day Of Gally Photos

Here’s our last batch of photos from Gallifrey One’s Network 23…

More Gally Pics

Here’s some more shots from Gally 2012…

Gally Pics

And here’s some more photos from Gallifrey One…

Forget Withnail, It’s McGann And I

For an 8th Doctor fan like myself, this years Gally celebration was an especially poignant one.  I was thrilled at the prospect of seeing him, and a little star struck by the mere prospect of it.

But today takes the cake.  Today I walked into the fan room, and had my breath taken away by the sight of the fully restored TARDIS console from Doctor Who: The Movie.  McGann’s console.  Behind ropes to shield it from the overzealous, (myself included) I watched as the operator explained the process of restoring it, of replacing halogen bulbs with leds, (apparently after five minutes of being lit, the halogens began producing smoke and burning smells from within…) the christmas tree light indicators that allowed the blinking, the sound chip chock full of clips from not only the Movie, but nearly all of Who, (the door lever makes the door noise, a random switch makes the view screen noise, and the dematerialization circuit causes the groan. Or sometimes, stalls out and the time rotor flickers and dies! And all of this is set to a remote control, and the console responds to an aimed sonic screwdriver blast too!) The polished wood gleamed from the flashbulbs of dozens of cameras going off around me, the console the subject of some very exclusive paparazzi.

The room emptied a bit and men came in, carrying suitcases and plastic sacks, announcing they had found “it”.  Intrigued, I leaned in, only to be bustled aside by a man carrying a mannequin body.  “It” turned out to be McGann’s original costume worn for the movie.  Out of the bag came the shirt, the trousers, the belt, the vest, the waistcoat… And suddenly, there, standing NEXT to the console was the 8th Doctor.  Or at least his clothes.  But they say clothes make the man.

We followed this up immediately with a photo shoot with the 8th Doctor himself.  For a mere $25 bucks, I was hustled into a room, strode up to Paul McGann, shook his hand confidently and said, “I’m a big fan of your work, thank you sir, so much for coming to America to this convention.”  He seemed genuinely touched, and was warm and friendly for the 30 seconds we spent together taking that photo.  Mel melted at his touch and the sound of his voice, but managed to stay upright for the picture.  For a moment, I was afraid we’d have a Beatles moment and she’d have to be carried from the room after fainting!  And of course my confident exterior fell apart later.  I held it together just long enough to leave the room, and won’t bore you with the details of the fanboy squealing that escaped me just after.

But I’m pretty sure they heard me back in Kansas.

We ended with the McGann panel, or interview, conducted by Barnaby Edwards and Nicholas Briggs of Big Finish fame.  And the question was asked how did he feel about fan reaction.  McGann paused, and said he’s spent a lot of time frustrated, because he felt (and sometimes still feels) that the 8th Doctor is “tolerated”.  That he’s not “canonical”.  But then Barnaby said “you are to Russell T. Davies, and you are to Stephen Moffatt.”  Let me tell you, the room erupted.  And for someone who has always been a fan of the 8th Doctor, and Paul McGann, and gets frustrated by folks who DON’T feel he’s cannon, well… a more glowing argument can not be made.

Lastly, someone asked about the “new” outfit that he sported at a con long ago.  McGann laughed and said it was partially selfish, because he was tired of all the photos circulating, since the only ones are the promo pics from the Movie.  So he consulted a friend and costumer and put the leather jacket together.  And he’s itching to wear it again.  But BBC is apparently “weird” about it, and can’t (or won’t comment on it.)

We can only hope thats because they want to unveil him wearing it in the 50th anniversary special…

Live From The Constellation Kasterborous

I write this from within the lobby of the LAX Marriott, surrounded by the din and crash of a room full of conversations going at the same time.  This is Lobbycon, the unofficial kick off for Gallifrey One.  From what I have gleaned, this year is no different from any other, the attendees are boisterous and vocal in their mirth making.  Some are old friends coming together for the first time in a while, some are fast friends coming together through a haze of alcohol.  But mostly they come together to talk WHO.  There are scarfs aplenty, T-shirts galore, and Cosplaying in force.

This is Gally.

I feel vaguely out of place, not being an over zealous drinker, and new to the party this year.  The fact that I have been up since 4am, operating on a diet of high stress and Coca-Cola for the last three days, cooped up in a plane for 4 hours, then cooling my heels in an airport for two hours, then forced to brave the highways of Los Angeles in a rental car, done a mass of sightseeing before finally arriving at this Meca of the Whoniverse may have something to do with it.  Indeed, I find myself dozing off in the lobby as I type, the victim of this late night (1:30 am now, but with the time change my body still thinks it’s 3:30, so I’ve been up for nearly 24 hours and on the move for half of that.)  And while I am not directly taking part in the conversations around me, I feel them washing over me, and the snipits I gain from osmosis tell me what I suspected all along.  These are good people.

This is Gally.

I can’t wait to see what the rest of the weekend holds.  But first…. to sleep…