Tag Archive: Peri and The Piscon Paradox

Episode 419 – A Tale of Two Peri’s

In this week’s episode we look at two Big Finish Companion Chronicles. First it’s a story told us by Evelyn Smith recounting her memories of an adventure in 5.5 A Town Called Fortune. Then Peri takes a turn to tell her story with two Doctors and two Peri’s in 5.7 Peri and the Piscon Paradox. Hear what we thought of these two stories.

And some entertainment news in the works from BBC.

Plus, your feedback!


Early Spring Schedule (Or, The Groundhog Lies Like The Doctor)

As winter continues to keep most of us in its icy grip despite the prognostications of a certain rodent who is on my list right now, we present the next bit of scheduling or a few things to do while you try and keep warm:

Tonight (2/11) we’ll record our thoughts on the “animated” audio adventure “Real Time” for TTV 418.

TTV #419 offers up a couple of Big Finish Companion Chronicles: 5.5 “A Town Called Fortune”, and 5.7 “Peri and the Piscon Paradox”

Alternate Who in TTV #420 as we return to the world of Torchwood with Titan Comics “Torchwood Vol 2”, and Big Finish “Torchwood: Fall to Earth”.

The month of March kicks off with our thoughts on Big Finish #115 Forty-Five for TTV #421. 

 A long-delayed book review finally hits in TTV #422: Doctor Who and The Krikkitmen by Douglas Adams and James Goss

TTV #423 has some more Big Finish with mainline story Big Finish #120 “The Magic Mousetrap”

Discussion topic time as we tackle the idea of Desktop Themes and The Evolution of the Console Room for TTV #424. This also happens to be Planet Comicon Weekend, so we’ll give you a few highlights of that. 

TTV #425 starts off April with Big Finish Short Trip 9.01 “The Revisionists”, and Andy Frankham-Allen, keeper of the Lethbridge-Stewart flame, drops by for an exclusive interview and update on the state of the Brigverse. 

Another long-delayed book review in TTV #426 as we take a look at Lethbridge-Stewart The Laughing Gnome: Fear of Web by Alyson Leeds. 

My goodness. More Big Finish? It’s almost like we were building up to something… TTV #427 has our take on mainline story  #121 “Enemy of the Daleks”.

Am I Blu? With three classic series Blu-ray box sets available, we take a look at whether or not it’s worth upgrading in TTV #428.

And a not so long-delayed book review hits in TTV #429, as we take a look at the just-released Doctor Who Meets Scratchman by Tom Baker.

Yes, that’s a lot of Big Finish and books we’re tackling in a three-month span. But rest assured, constant listener, there is a method to the madness and a master plan behind it all. On the horizon? That would be telling…