Tag Archive: Magic Mousetrap

Early Spring Schedule (Or, The Groundhog Lies Like The Doctor)

As winter continues to keep most of us in its icy grip despite the prognostications of a certain rodent who is on my list right now, we present the next bit of scheduling or a few things to do while you try and keep warm:

Tonight (2/11) we’ll record our thoughts on the “animated” audio adventure “Real Time” for TTV 418.

TTV #419 offers up a couple of Big Finish Companion Chronicles: 5.5 “A Town Called Fortune”, and 5.7 “Peri and the Piscon Paradox”

Alternate Who in TTV #420 as we return to the world of Torchwood with Titan Comics “Torchwood Vol 2”, and Big Finish “Torchwood: Fall to Earth”.

The month of March kicks off with our thoughts on Big Finish #115 Forty-Five for TTV #421. 

 A long-delayed book review finally hits in TTV #422: Doctor Who and The Krikkitmen by Douglas Adams and James Goss

TTV #423 has some more Big Finish with mainline story Big Finish #120 “The Magic Mousetrap”

Discussion topic time as we tackle the idea of Desktop Themes and The Evolution of the Console Room for TTV #424. This also happens to be Planet Comicon Weekend, so we’ll give you a few highlights of that. 

TTV #425 starts off April with Big Finish Short Trip 9.01 “The Revisionists”, and Andy Frankham-Allen, keeper of the Lethbridge-Stewart flame, drops by for an exclusive interview and update on the state of the Brigverse. 

Another long-delayed book review in TTV #426 as we take a look at Lethbridge-Stewart The Laughing Gnome: Fear of Web by Alyson Leeds. 

My goodness. More Big Finish? It’s almost like we were building up to something… TTV #427 has our take on mainline story  #121 “Enemy of the Daleks”.

Am I Blu? With three classic series Blu-ray box sets available, we take a look at whether or not it’s worth upgrading in TTV #428.

And a not so long-delayed book review hits in TTV #429, as we take a look at the just-released Doctor Who Meets Scratchman by Tom Baker.

Yes, that’s a lot of Big Finish and books we’re tackling in a three-month span. But rest assured, constant listener, there is a method to the madness and a master plan behind it all. On the horizon? That would be telling…