
Animated Doctor Who Would Be Bow Tie

Recently on twitter and in a Doctor Who forum I am not naming I have seen it been mentioned that people would really think a Doctor Who Animated was bowtie.

I couldn’t agree more and would LOVE to see an animated Doctor Who series but only if it was done right.

There has already been hundreds of fan made animated videos already which are great to watch, you just need to check out youtube for these and even BBC had The Infinite Quest which was an animated Doctor Who episode which aired alongside the 2007 series of Doctor Who as part of the children’s television series Totally Doctor Who, this actually had the real voices of the 10th Doctor (David Tennant) and Martha (Freema Agyeman) but is not considered canon or part of that series.

Two years later in 2009 on the Doctor Who website and on the BBC interactive red button BBC aired another Doctor Who animation in the shape of a six part serial called Dreamland.

EVEN if we go all the way back to over two decades ago in 1980 an animation company called Nelvana was sanctioned to put together Concept art for a Doctor Who animated series that they could show but it was never produced.

There are different styles and types of animation that they could inevitably use for this and BBC would need to choose a style that didn’t alienate the adult fans as I know nearly EVERY adult now watches at least one cartoon with the likes Simpsons, Futurama, Family Guy which are of course adult aimed BUT I also watch cartoon now which are from Marvel and DC like Marvels Spiderman, Iron Man series and the brilliant Planet Hulk movie or all the excellent DC animation movies which there are about 10+ titles in the last 3 years including the newest out very soon Batman Year one which looks out of this world.

Everything I have said so far leads me to one conclusion and that is there is absolutely 100% a place for a Doctor Who Animated series and they way to go with this is to have manga/anime inspired art which DC and Marvel have clearly been doing while keeping the same type writers as the series.

The proof for me is a video that has been going around for a little while its a Doctor Who anime animation which I am sure most of you have probably seen which is so well made and I have yet to speak to someone who has seen it and didn’t like it.

I know a lot for people would worry and panic that if that came out then to cast save BBC might drop the main show which I can totally understand the fear about but I am talking about having these as animated movies along the line of Marvels ‘Planet Hulk’ or the DC movie that is coming ‘Batman – Year One’.

This for me would be just epic, every two or three years a full length Doctor Who animated movie written by guys like Neil Gaiman or even get special guests like some of my favourite comic book writers Mark Miller, Grant Morrison or Alan Moore, the potential is endless and I think its something the should move along with.

Imagine being able to bring back to life some of the old Doctors?

Or SEE your favourite audio books as animation?

Anyways, thanks for reading.

Doctor Who Variety Hour

Artwork By Andy Lambert

Here on Traveling the Vortex we tend to discuss the variety that Doctor Who brings on the show. From actor’s different takes on the Doctor to the tone of various stories.

With Doctor Who returning this Saturday the great folks over at io9 wrote up an interesting article about how there are almost as many different shows within Doctor Who as there are regenerations. They even include video examples.

io9.com: 10 Totally Different TV Shows that Doctor Who Has Been Over the Years

Happy Belated Birthdays…

As mentioned on this week’s podcast, August 20th is a real Nexus point for real world Doctor Who birthdays.

Seventh Doctor Sylvester McCoy (68),

Companion Sophie Aldred (49)


Master Anthony Ainley

(who would have been 79 this year).

Apologies for not getting this up sooner, the Film Festival shooting threw a monkey wrench in my plans, but non-the-less, a very happy birthday to them all.

Special Thursday Edition Of Friday Night Who 7/18/11

UPDATED: For tonight’s special Thursday edition of #FridayNightWho, we will be starting #TheTwoDoctors at 11:30pm CDT and NOT midnight. Hope to see you then!

Once again throwing a curve ball your way by changing up our traditional #FridayNightWho to thursday this week.  The Vortex boys will be taking part in another 48 hour film festival this weekend, (This time it’s the 48hr Film Project, an international affair that will see our film compete against other for Best of Kansas City.  If we win that, we go against the winners of other cities, including Chicago, Denver, LA, New York, etc… Wish us luck!)

So, Thursday night at midnight 11:30 pm CDT join us on Twitter for tweet-a-long with the Colin Baker entry into our multi-doctor stories, #TheTwoDoctors, also starring Patrick Troughton.  Look for the hashtags and let’s ahve some fun with this iconic story!  And let’s start tweeting @SawbonesHex, @thenicolabryant, and @frazerhines (The sixth Doctor,  Peri and Jamie respectively) to see if we can get them to join us or perhaps give us a retweet!

To Spoiler, Or Not To Spoiler? That Is The Question

Being a Doctor Who fan is great especially now with the internet and social media, being able to meet loads of like minded people from around the world, like me for instance. Im from Scotland and Shaun, Glenn and Keith are from America. I have met and enjoy speaking to fans all over the world; America, Asia, Africa etc.
We discuss how great the show is and our favourite characters, stories and the like, our theories on what is going to happen, take part in mass commentary on twitter with the #FridayNightWho and #dwbar.
That is some of the fun points, but as like ying and yang, with the good is usually some bad. With all this more people I speak too in forums, facebook and twitter, the more complaining people do which gets me to what I want to speak a little about.
Spoilers.  Every week there is a new spoiler on line in Doctor Who from pictures being leaked to spoiler reviews from pre showing and it kicks up such a storm on line. I have read people screaming at each (well cap locks) on twitter and some being so highly offended and I can’t understand why. They inevitably block the person and such but I can’t understand why some people get so worked up on it.
The type of spoilers I am speaking about is not massive ones but enough to evoke a huge wrath by people.
I think the reason I don’t understand the reaction is because in this day and age some spoilers are inevitably going to leak out, we have twitter, facebook, google+, forums, blogs, podcasts and fanzines to start with and I have come to accept that in this day and age NOTHING can be totally locked down.
During the Doctor Who”off season” like now, I tend not to visit the forums as much but I still listen to the podcasts and obviously I am still on twitter and facebook and I firmly believe that if you are using these then you have to expect some titbits to be coming your way.
I would cross the line at someone posting the ending to the whole arc after going to to the doctor who spoiler’s website but when someone posts a picture of a scene during filming or the actors who are making a special appearance in that episode is it that bad?
I don’t think so and personally I wouldn’t even call it a spoiler, and if I am to be 100% positive someone could send me through the scrip’s to read and it wouldn’t take ANYTHING away from the episode for me, bit it seems even finding out the title of an episode 3 weeks before it is published by BBC is a punishment fit by hanging.
There is so many links on twitter by Doctor Who blogs with “SPOILER ON S7 E2” and such like and we all have to find ourselves answering the question, to spoiler or not to spoiler?
Depending on the severity I admit I sometimes do go and have a little nosey look.  How about you, do you nosey? Do you spoiler? Do you have cyberbabies every time someone throws a tiny new piece for information on the series your way?
Alex Giles (Muldwych)

Alex “Muldwych” Giles Joins Traveling The Vortex

Please welcome Muldwych to the Vortex site as our resident guest blogger, (although I like to think of him more as our “Frog on the street reporter”, just like Kermit!)  Alex will pop in from time to time with always interesting insights into Who and Who fandom, and we welcome his content.

Alex, just dump your stuff anywhere in the living room, we’re still sorting out Keith’s belongings. 🙂

Belated Birthday Wishes To Our I.T. Department

Our website manager and host Matt Hodges had a birthday this week on Monday.  I joked with him that I was going to do a big to-do on celebrate on the website come Monday, and then I promptly got busy and forgot.  (Yes, I’m truly a horrible friend.)

Please join me in wishing Matt a very joyous (though belated) birthday, and THANKS for all his hard work making us appear to know what we’re doing.  Or tell him yourself on twitter, @hooges.

Five Doctors For Friday Night Who 8/12/11

This is it.  This is THE BIG ONE! #FridayNightWho tonight at midnight CDT features William Hartnell, Richard Hurndall, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker AND Peter Davison in #TheFiveDoctors.  We’ll be watching the Special Edition version, so follow @vortexKeith, @vortexglenn @vortexshaun and @travelvortex for the Tweet-A-Long, and look for the hashtags!

Happy Birthday Keith & John Nathan-Turner!

Today would have been JNTs 64th Birthday (he passed in May of 2002).  The longest running producer in Doctor Who history, he guided the show from Tom Baker’s “The Leisure Hive” up through the final classic episode “Survival” and the “Dimensions In Time” Children In Need Special.

Today also happens to be our very own Keith’s Birthday.  Wish him a happy one via @vortexKeith on twitter, or Keith@travelingthevortex.com although he is moving today (becoming @vortexshaun’s roommate of all things!) so he may not get a chance to reply.

Happy Birthday Keith!

Loose Threads: Around The Vortex

Welcome to “Loose Threads”, where like the 4th Doctor’s scarf, I hope to combine bits of factoidal information to present a fun if chaotic picture of the Whoniverse at any given moment.

50th Anniversary Plans, Big Finish Comes To Gally and The Waters Of Mars

* TV line talks with Stephen Moffat about the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who in 2013, and he promises emphatically, “it will be huge”.  Moffat wouldn’t be pinned down on weather the anniversary extravaganza would involve stand alone specials, an extra memorable season or other fun stuff.  “It won’t be just one thing…. We’ll be doing lots of stuff,” is all Moffat would concede.  “The plans are quite extensive and changing all the time.  Oh my God, we will hit that year very, very hard indeed.”  The BBC execs “are full committed” to his vision.  “There’s lot of decisions we’re making that are about making all that possible.  It’ll be amazing.”

With all the talk of a multi Doctor story featuring some or all of the combinations—Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, Christopher Eccelston and David Tennant—reuniting, is it true?  And might other familiar faces from the past return as well?  “Possibly…. It’s so far in the future, it’s only a set of notions,” Moffat replies, adding that he’s still got this year’s Christmas special to focus on before he gets to locking in plans for the big 50.

* GallifreyOne just updated their guest list for next year.  The list now includes a quartet of Big Finish folk: Nicholas Briggs, executive producer for Big Finish Productions as well as the voice of the Daleks for the past six years; Barnaby Edwards the principal Dalek operator, director, actor, and writer for Big Finish; Beth Chalmers, new 7th Doctor companion Raine Creevey; and Lisa Greenwood, 6th Doctor companion Philippa “Flip” Jackson.  Also on the guest list are new series directors Toby Haynes and Richard Senior, between the two of them responsible for some of the more impresive Matt Smith episodes, including; “The Impossible Astronaut”, “Day Of The Moon”, “The Pandorica Opens”, “The Big Bang”, “Time”, “Space” and the upcoming “Let’s Kill Hitler”. 

And working on a full house for the 1996 TV Movie reunion (Paul McGann, Daphne Ashbrook and Yee Jee Tso are already signed to appear), Philip Segal, executive producer of the TV Movie and the man who championed to get Doctor Who back on the air.  It is the 15th anniversary of the Movie, is it possible that The Master himself, Eric Roberts could be making an appearance?  Stay tuned…

* And finally in a bit of science reality, NASA has announced the Reconnaissance Orbiter has discovered evidence of flowing water on Mars.  Water on Mars is no news and has been reported on before of course, but flowing water on the surface is a big deal.  Just ask the Doctor, he could tell you.  For the full report, click here. <>

Friday Night Who 8/4/11

For this week you can join @KingOrokos, @Marcus_Joan and our own @VortexKeith on Twitter for #FridayNightWhoUK as they watch the fourth Doctor Tom Baker classic #RevengeOfTheCybermen.  Festivities should start Friday around 1pm CDT, or 7pm in jolly old England.

And our excursion into WHO this week takes us way back to 1973 as we review #TheThreeDoctors, with William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, and Jon Pertwee as the first three Doctors are brought together by the Time Lords to fight Omega.  Follow @vortexKeith, @vortexglenn @vortexshaun and @travelvortex for all the fun with the Tweet-A-Long, and look for the #FridayNightWho hashtags!  Friday at midnight CDT!

Passing The Torch(wood)?

Coming up this week will be our first serious look into Doctor Who spin off series Torchwood. While not everyone is a fan of the show, and welcome to their opinions, I’d like to throw out a counter argument in favor of the spin off.

Generally (if incorrectly) thought of as “Doctor Who for adults”, Torchwood started off a little rocky. The concept was sound, a group of investigators tackling the strange and unusual for the benefit of England. The problem is, we’ve already seen that show. It was called “The X-Files” and it was pretty good. Yes, there was (at least originally) more sex and violence and swearing than what you’d find on Doctor Who (that’s where the adult comes in) Torchwood has its share of monster of the week episodes, and a few mythology arcs thrown in, and as Glenn calls it, it’s the cherry on top of the Doctor Who sundae. You don’t need to see it, but it makes the over all experience a bit more enjoyable.

The show grows up a bit in its second season, (although there are still a handful of meh thrown in) becoming even more thoughtful and thought provoking science fiction. But it was the third season “Children Of Earth” miniseries where Torchwood blew the doors off its conventions and came into its own. It did this by going DARKER. Now, Torchwood was already a darker show, especially when compared to Doctor Who, and I think that’s where some people got off the carousel, and that’s fine. But for those who also enjoy a wilder ride, it became some of the most riveting television I have ever seen.

The biggest difference between the two shows is that Doctor Who shows humanity at its best, usually through the rose colored lens that is the Doctor. He wants to believe in our ability to be better than we are, and because of his faith, we frequently rise to his expectations. That is a powerful way of looking at the world. It’s joyous and infectious and makes the show fun to watch. Torchwood tackles some of the same issues and aliens as Who, but does it with just us humans. There is no all powerful savior watching over us, we’re left to our own devices, and we muddle through the best we can. As such, the violence and sex doesn’t seem out of place, it seems… well, human.

At the center of the maelstrom is Captain Jack Harkness. He’s not quite the same cheeky hero we remember from Who, but is himself dark and jaded. As the events of Torchwood play out, we discover the transformation of Jack. Who wouldn’t change after becoming immortal? We understand his detachment, who wouldn’t tune out after hundreds of years without the marvels of the universe to keep one occupied? And eventually, we see his long fall from grace in “Children Of Earth”. It’s a great character arc, it’s well written and compelling. Reminds me a bit of Stephen King. People ask me why I read him when I’m not much of a horror fan. And I always reply with, even if I dislike the subject matter, I enjoy the way the story is told. Torchwood’s story—if nothing else—is well told.

And now with Miracle Day, I’m hoping to see Jacks resurrection. While Torchwood is dark, I can still find the hope. Doctor Who gives me hope for humanity, Torchwood gives me hope for television. Because it’s consistently the most thoughtful thing on, and in today’s wasteland of reality TV, news magazines and game shows, a tightly woven, thinking-man’s science fiction script is a commodity to be cherished. <>

Friday Night Who 7/29/11

Tonight join us on Twitter for the live Tweet-A-Long with “The Infinite Quest” with tenth Doctor David Tennant (well, his voice anyway). 

The chaos starts at Midnight, CDT, look for the #FridayNightWho #DoctorWho #InfiniteQuest hashtags and follow @travelvortex, @vortexglenn, @vortexkeith and @vortexshaun.

Show Schedule…

As we build up and count down to the return of Doctor Who to our screens with the release of the second half of series 6 on August 27, here’s some of the goodies you can enjoy with us in the mean time…

TTV #30 – Adversary Archive: The Master – Claws Of Axos, The Deadly Assassin, Survival, Scream Of The Shalka

7/29 – It all starts with this week’s Friday Night Who, in which we are watching “The Infinite Quest” staring the voices of tenth Doctor David Tennant and Freema Agyeman as Martha.  If you’ve not seen this animated adventure and you consider yourself a fan, you owe it to yourself to check it out!  Follow @travelvortex, @vortexkeith, @vortexglenn and @vortexshaun for the Tweet-a-long, and look for the #FridayNightWho and #InfiniteQuest hashtags.

Our next podcast will cover our reviews of “The Infinite Quest”, as well as finishing off series three:  “Utopia”, “The Sound Of Drums,” and “The Last Of The Time Lords”.  (Can’t wait to get to Keith’s reactions to these!)  Then we’ll take a slight break from the new series…

8/5 – Our next Friday Night Who outting is the classic, “The Three Doctors” starring the first three; William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, and Jon Pertwee.  It’ll be Keith’s first experience with a multi doctor story, so dont miss out!

Traveling The Vortex podcast #32 will see us take a break from WHO to bring you Keith’s thoughts and our comprhensive reviews of Torchwood, Season 1.

8/12 – This is the big one, Friday Night Who reviews “The Five Doctors” featuring William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker, and Peter Davison!  You know you want to join in for this classic!

TTV #33 – Taking our time and giving “The Five Doctors” it’s due, a complete review all to itself!

On 8/19 we complete the mulit-doctor stories on Friday Night Who with “The Two Doctors” featuring Patrick Troughton and Colin Baker.

Our 34th episode of Traveling The Vortex will be our reviews of “The Three Doctors”, “The Two Doctors” and the Children in Need special “Time Crash”.

And then it’s time for the return of Matt Smith in series six.  I’d love to give you a hint as to what Friday Night Who will entail during that TIME, but that would spoil the surprise.  But if you pay attention, you might find a KEY that unlocks that mystery.  As always, a giganitc thank you TO our listeners old and new for putting up with our nonsense.