Tag Archive: Toymaker

Episode 556 – Adversary Archive: The Toymaker – The Nexus of the Primeval Cauldron

In anticipation of Neil Patrick Harris potentially being revealed as taking on the role of The Toymaker, we have decided to present to our listeners another Adversary Archive. We break down some stories featuring him. First, it’s Doctor Who: The Nightmare Fair, released as the first in the ‘Lost Stories’ series from Big Finish, We will be contrasting and comparing with the Target novelization written by Graham Williams who also wrote the script of the television story that was never made,

Then we look at the short story, The Game written by Warwick Gray, and was featured in Doctor Who Magazine issue 192.

Finally, we review the comic story, The Great Gamble from Doctor Who Magazine and written by John Peel.

And Keith brings us another ‘Something New, 2 Minute Review’ of ‘The Lost Stories: Daleks! Genesis of Terror’ from Big Finish.

Plus, we discuss several Doctor Who-related news items from the past few weeks.
