Tag Archive: The Enemy of My Enemy

Episode 473 – Traveling the Victorious – Part 5 – Screeching Sweet Nothings in Your Ear

In this episode, we head back to the Dark Times, back when the universe was young, and we explore three new offerings from the ‘Time Lord Victorious’ story arc. We start with another Big Finish offering, Paul McGann starring as the Eighth Doctor, and teaming up with his most iconic enemy for The Enemy of My Enemy.

Then, we join the Eighth Doctor and the Daleks again for another installment from the Doctor Who Comic Maker called Tales of the Dark Times Episode Three.

Then we rejoin the Ninth Doctor in the final installment of his ongoing Doctor Who Magazine comic, Monstrous Beauty Part 3.

Plus we react to some of the news that came out this past week.





Scheduling Victorious III

Cpt 3

She crumples the paper into a compact wad and throws for the wastebasket, (both as anachronistic as can be: an Osirian Pyramid ship from the 35th century—one of the most technologically advanced pieces of starcraft ever created—and sitting in its gleaming white, high-tech, fully automated control room, an honest to goodness piece of paper and cylindrical metal can) sending it in a near-perfect arc across the room. The makeshift ball bounced once on the rim and out, skittering across the floor making that noise that was both satisfying and strangely unnerving.

She rolls her eyes. “Really? You couldn’t let me have that one?”

She melts upright off the couch and into a stretch, her lithe body arching beneath her white silk robes. Paradoxes aside, it was getting annoying to have to reschedule things every other week, even if she was just the mouthpiece. Sauntering over to the wastebasket, she nimbly plucks the wad of paper up and unsmooths it, re-reading the characters on the page. She shakes her head, inputs a few sequences on the panel before her, and hits the transmit button.

TTV #473 –Tales of the Dark Times #3 (Comic Maker), The Enemy of My Enemy (Big Finish Audio), Monstrous Beauty #3 (Comic)

Thanksgiving – OFF

TTV #474 – TLV: Daleks! #1 “The Archive of Islos”, #2 (Animated Series)

TTV #475 – TLV: Daleks! #3, #4 (Animated Series)

TTV #476 – TLV: Daleks! #5 (Animated Series), The Minds of Magnox (Audio Book)

That finished, (again), she crumples the paper and drops it without fanfare into the trash.

“You realize this is wrong, right?” She shakes her head. “I mean, you are aware of the inaccuracies here.” She hooks a thumb over her shoulder toward the platform she spoke from not all that long ago. “I mean, aside from the fact that there is a ruined city outside that looks like it barely survived a nuclear blast—and granted, that may just be 2020 doing its thing—there’s a golden Pyramid ship sitting on top of it. Weird, right?”

She begins to pace, waving her hand around the room. “A 35th century Pyramid ship, you described it as. But the Osirians, are from the DARK TIMES. With one or two notable exceptions, they do not still exist today, and they certainly won’t exist in the 35th century to create this technological marvel that I’m currently shooting hoops in.” She moves back to the wastebasket and digs out the printout. “And look at this!” She cries out, holding the page aloft. “It’s ye ol’ green and white striped, tractor fed, DOT MATRIX paper!?! Could you get any more analog? WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!?”

She collapses back on the couch, a sense of genuine worry about her.

“Are you off your game? I mean, I thought something was afoot last week when you named the post ‘Scheduling Victorious II’ and didn’t tag it with ‘Electric Boogaloo’ at the end. I know how you love that joke.” She pauses, the wheels in her sharp mind turning. “Unless… the Time Lord Victorious paradoxes… are they affecting you too? Is that even possible? I mean, you’re the author. The Narrator. You should be outside of these fictional events, but…” Her eyes travel skyward as if looking for god. “Hell, I’m self-aware, so who knows what your game plan is.”

Somewhere, the loud and abrasive grinding of the dot matrix printer started its insecticide chewing noise. It was only one line, and so mercifully short. She rose to pull the just printed page.


She re-reads the words several times as if imposing her own will on the text would cause it to change. But of course, it doesn’t. Instead, she wads the paper up and tosses it into the trash, where it makes a perfect basket, (nothing but net) thudding on the bottom of the can with a small echo.

“That isn’t reassuring.” She tells the author.

Scheduling Victorious II

Cpt 2

Deep within the pyramid that sat atop the ruined city, she lounges on a couch of black silk. The couch is in stark contrast to everything else in the room which gleamed white, from the sandblasted marble floors to her own white silk robes. She cradles her head in her hands, long, slender fingers absentmindedly play with an errant lock of her short, spiky blonde hair.

“Don’t do that.” She mutters. “I’m tired and frustrated. It’s been a long year that doesn’t show any signs of improving. I’m in no mood to have you describe my beauty just to make me feel better.”

But she was beautiful, tall and strong, with rounded features and bright eyes that sparkled with the depths of her intelligence.

“Okay, that wasn’t bad.” She admits. “At least my eyes aren’t piercing. What do you want anyway? Shouldn’t you be toppling a regime or sending a starship into a black hole or something?”

A wall panel within the pyramid illuminated suddenly. Words filled the glowing wall, words she barely payed attention to from her perch on the couch.

“Seriously? You’re still doing this? After the last batch was such a disaster?”

The words continued to flow across the wall screen.

“I mean, it’s not like we told people you were going bi-weekly and had to change it. OR that several of the dates were wrong and you had to issue a retraction. A retraction, I might add, that you simply uploaded to the website without calling attention to it. You sneaky bugger.”

The words paused, then in all capital letters spelled out, “AS ALWAYS THE SCHEDULE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE” then went back to their scrolling.

“Ooh, THAT hit a nerve. Look, don’t blame me. If you didn’t want to have these stimulating verbal debates, you wouldn’t have written me as self-aware.” She rises from the couch and considers the writing on the wall. “I’ll make the announcement.”

TTV #472 – Book Review – The Wintertime Paradox by David Rudden, TLV: Canaries (Short story)

TTV #473 – TLV: The Last Message (Short Story), Tales of the Dark Times #3 (Comic Maker), The Enemy of My Enemy (Big Finish Audio)

TTV #474 – TLV: Mission to the Known (Short Story), Monstrous Beauty #3 (Comic), Daleks! #1 “The Archive of Islos” (Animated Series)

TTV#475 – TLV: Daleks! #2 & #3 (Animated Series)

That taken care of, she returns to her place on the couch to contemplate her part in this mad story.