Tag Archive: The 12 Days Of WHO

The 12 Days of WHO – Day Twelve

On the twelfth day of waiting, that didn’t go so fast…

Twelve regenerations… (if you subscribe to the line that Tom Baker gave in “The Deadly Assassin” and has been considered gospel ever since, including the Time Lords offer of a new cycle of regeneration to The Master in “The Five Doctors” and Paul McGann’s opening narration in “Doctor Who: The Movie” where he says, “A time lord has thirteen lives” (which would equate to twelve regenerations) but NOT if you believe Russel T Davies and the scripted line delivered by Matt Smith in The Sarah Jane Adventures episode “Death Of The Doctor” which indicates an almost indefinite number of regenerations are possible, (this would be supported by Romana’s multiple regenerations in the open of “Destiny Of The Daleks” where she tries on bodies as casually as she would outfits.) but of course none of this fits in the song!)

eleven Lords of Time

ten exterminating Daleks!

ninth Doctor dances,

eighth Doctor’s movie,

Seven Gamma Seven,

six spoiler warnings,

FRIDAY NIGHT WHO! (ba dump bomp, bomp)

fourth Doctor’s scarf,

three companion photos,

two Amy Ponds,

and a new website for our podcast!