Tag Archive: Road to the Thirteenth Doctor

Episode 400 – Fun & Games 400

We celebrate our 400th show with some fun, games and prizes!

First the fun, as we look at three comics leading up to the return of the Doctor in Series 11 and her very first comic story for Titan. We review Titan Comics’ “Road to the Thirteenth Doctor” issues #1 – 3, each featuring one of the three previous Doctors.

Then the games! Get ready for our review of ‘CLUE: Doctor Who’ the board game from USAopoly featuring some companions, locations and items from the TV series.

And then, we play ‘Doctor Who Fluxx’ from card game maker, Looney Labs as we record and give our reviews of that as well.

Plus, we give away some prizes along the way! Congratulations to our five winners!

And of course your feedback.

Enjoy our 400th Epiversary!