Side Trip 24 – Star Trek 201

ttv_logo_newWe’re off again this week as we prepare for Time Eddy II, the Doctor Who Convention this coming weekend in Wichita, Kansas. But we have a special mid-week treat for you.

If you remember way back when, Shaun brought you Star Trek 101, a primer guide for the original series. That begat Star Trek 102, his look at the original series movies. Many years later he revisits the idea with the often delayed and now finally available Star Trek 201, looking at Season 1 of Star Trek: The Next Generation.



Post Party Schedule Hangover

Time Eddy II weekend is upon us! So here’s an update on things to come.

What better way to celebrate the fifth Doctor Peter Davison’s appearance at Time Eddy than to watch “The Five Doctors” for our Friday Night Who selection that weekend on 10-14?

Well, actually, there is a better way to celebrate his appearance at Time Eddy II.  With a Stuffed-to-the-gills celebration of our 300 episode recounting our con adventures and MANY surprises.

Friday Night Who on 10/21 is “The Caretaker” with Peter Capaldi

TTV #301 is a Companion Archive, with a twist. We’ll be discussing Coal Hill School! Talking the Class premiere, and reviewing the comic The Monsters Of Coal Hill, and the short story Nothing at the End of the Lane.

Did you know this October marks the 50th Anniversary of the Cybermen? Well it does. So our Halloween offering this year for FNW on 10/28 is their first appearance, “The Tenth Planet” with first Doctor William Hartnell

TTV #302 – Silver & Gold: The Cybermen Turn 50. Look for plenty of squee from Keith AND Adversary Archive: The Cybermen IV! We’ll take a look at Big Finish mainline stories #86 “The Reaping” and #87 “The Gathering”.

FNW 11/4 – “Inferno” Parts 1-4 finishes off a year of Liz Shaw for us. (Did you notice all our third doctor FNW selections this year featured Liz? Neither did we. But once we did notice, we had to include her swan song.)

And since we’e on the subject of Liz Shaw, how about a Companion Archive? We’ll talk about her career and review Big Finish Companion Chronicle Season 1 #3, “The Blue Tooth”.

We’ll finish off “Inferno” with Parts 5-7 on 11/11 for FNW.

Which should set us up nicely for episode #304 where we’ll take a look at the Candy Jar short stories featured in The Havoc Files 2.

FINALLY! AFTER MONTHS OF SPECULATION, IT IS OUT, AVAILABLE AND WILL BE WATCHED! FNW 11/18 is the newly animated “The Power of the Daleks” Part 1-3!

A brief interlude to the fourth Doctor’s era in TTV #305 we’ll review the just concluded Titan Comics 4th Doctor Mini-Series, and Big Finish 4th Doctor Adventures season 2 #4 “The Justice Of Jalxar”.

FNW 11/25 will finish “The Power of the Daleks” with Parts 4-6.

TTV #306 will have our thoughts on this Lost in Time adventure “The Power of the Daleks” with looks at both the animated recon and the Novel. (Though not really Lost any more, but we’ll talk more about that on the cast!)

Friday Night Who on 12/2 is Tom Baker in “Meglos”.

And we’ll discuss the story “Meglos” in TTV #307.

Beyond that? One Word…



First Look at Christmas Special & Class Trailers

The BBC has been busy releasing several videos today as well as details on the Christmas Special!

This Christmas, the Doctor teams up with a comic-book superhero in New York for a heroic special titled, The Return of Doctor Mysterio.


The Return of Doctor Mysterio sees the Twelfth Doctor, as played by Peter Capaldi, teaming up with an investigative journalist, played by Charity Wakefield (Wolf Hall), and a superhero to save New York from a deadly alien threat.


“Doctor Misterio”, as many fans will know is the name given to “Doctor Who” in Latin America. And Peter LOVES that name!


Justin Chatwin (Orphan Black, War of the Worlds) plays Grant – check out the G on his suit above. Chatwin comments on joining the Doctor Who team for the special:

“Working with the amazing people at Doctor Who has been one of the most fun and rewarding projects I’ve ever had the pleasure of being involved with.”

Matt Lucas (who returns as Nardole) will also be joining the cast of the special withAdetomiwa Edun (Lucifer, Bates Motel), German actor Aleksandar Jovanovic andLogan Hoffman (US sci-fi series, V).

The Return of Doctor Mysterio is a 60-minute special written by by Steven Moffat and directed by Ed Bazalgette (The Woman Who Lived and The Girl Who Died).

Check out a behind the scenes clip below:

They also released a teaser and a trailer for the spin-off “Class”, you can watch them below.

Episode 299 – Rock Me Amadeus

ttv_logo_newIn  this week’s show we’ve come to number 100 in the Big Finish Productions Doctor Who range with the aptly named anthology collection, 100. It’s four for the price of one in short segments, including 100 BC by Jacqueline Rayner, My Own Private Wolfgang by Robert Shearman, Bedtime Story by Joseph Lidster and The 100 Days of the Doctor by Paul Cornell. We’ll take each one at a time an give our impressions of each tale.

Then it’s our continuing review of Titan Comic’s 10th Doctor Year Two as we look at issues #6 through #10 in the ongoing monthly series.

Also, a look at some news from the week.


Episode 298 – Medicine Man

ttv_logo_newIn  this week’s podcast, we travel back in time to an earlier Big Finish effort with a review of the Seventh Doctor, Ace and Hex story number 67, Dreamtime. We give our impressions of this audio play.

Also, we play catch-up by joining the Doctor and Gabby for the first five issues of Titan Comics’ 2016’s Tenth Doctor line.

Plus, we take a look at some of the news-of-the-week, including our reactions to an exchange between Captain Jack and his creator, The Moff.

And, of course, your feedback.


Side Trip 23 – TopCon: An Interview with Spencer Wilding

ttv_logo_newWe’re off again this week, this time for con stuff, this time spending the weekend at Topeka’s TopCon Geek Expo. We had a wonderful time at the convention and thought we’d relay some of our journey over the 3 days of the con. Plus, we had a chance to sit down, not once, but twice with Spencer Wilding who acted in three Doctor Who stories during the Matt Smith era of the show. Included in this Side Trip is one of those interviews where he shared with us some stories of his time on the show.

Plus, some added news from Candy Jar Books announcing the start to the next series of Lethbridge-Stewart novels.


Candy Jar Books Reveals 1st Book in Series 3 of the Lethbridge-Stewart Line!

Lots of great news coming from Candy Jar Books including details on the first book in series 3 of “Lethbridge-Stewart” with “Times Squared”

Candy Jar Books is pleased to announce the return of the Great Intelligence, and its foot soldiers the Yeti, in the first novel of Candy Jar’s third series of Lethbridge-Stewart novels.

The Great Intelligence and the Yeti first appeared in the 1967 Doctor Who serial, The Abominable Snowmen, written by Mervyn Haisman & Henry Lincoln. It was such a success that the two authors were quickly commissioned to write a sequel, and in 1968 both the Intelligence and the Yeti returned for The Web of Fear, a story which also introduced Lethbridge-Stewart himself!

Apart from the straight-to-video film, Downtime, released in 1995, it was many long years before the Great Intelligence returned to Doctor Who; Christmas 2012. Two more appearances followed in 2013. This trilogy of stories (The SnowmenThe Bells of St John and The Name of the Doctor) was penned by Steven Moffat and introduced viewers to a future version of the Intelligence, which led into the events of the first Lethbridge-Stewart novel, The Forgotten Son, a story that saw the final death of the Intelligence and revealed a previously unknown link between the Intelligence and the Lethbridge-Stewart family.

Range Editor Andy Frankham-Allen says: “For The Forgotten Son I was interested in wrapping up the story of the Great Intelligence as seen in Moffat’s trilogy, and exploring something of its origins. So now it’s time to go back to the Intelligence as depicted in the original Haisman/Lincoln stories. Ever wondered what happened to it in those long years between The Web of Fear and The Snowmen, and how the 1995 straight-to-video film, Downtime, fits in? Well, now it’s time to start finding out.”

Times Squared, written by first-time novelist Rick Cross, takes place some eight months after The Web of Fear, transferring the Yeti from the London Underground to the underground network of New York. Shaun Russell, head of publishing at Candy Jar, says: “I had the idea of the Yeti roaming through Times Square, plaguing the immense underground of New York. And by throwing in a bit of time travelling shenanigans, the title was an obvious one.”

Andy says: “After Shaun came to me with the basic idea, it was quickly decided we wanted, ideally, an American author to write it. I turned to Rick Cross, an aspiring US author I knew via social media. We talked and he jumped at the chance. We spent a short while discussing story ideas, telling him the elements I wanted, and he came to me with a few ideas of his own. And it has turned out rather brilliantly; the first bona-fide sequel to The Web of Fear, dealing with the Intelligence from that story, as well as a story that brings back Owain, Lethbridge-Stewart’s nephew, last seen in Beast of Fang Rock. A character with a very special relationship to the Intelligence.”

Rick says: “It’s been an exciting opportunity. Hard work, trying to remember the British rules of grammar, but I’ve enjoyed telling my story and delving into the relationship between Lethbridge-Stewart, his fiancée, Sally, and his nephew, Owain. Owain in particular has been fun, exploring his freedom of spirit, and his destiny – which is, one day, to be reincarnated into the person who will ascend to be the Intelligence.”

On bringing back the Yeti, Rick continues: “I had this brilliant idea about the rats in the sewers of New York, and their connection to various plagues throughout the years. What if one such plague was the result of the Intelligence? Coupled with that was my desire to explore the origins of the Yeti. Who made them? How did so many of them get to be in the London Underground in The Web of Fear? Remember, in that story it is revealed that Travers only brought one of them back from Tibet with him. Hopefully Times Squared will provide fans with an interesting take on that, as well as expanding the mythology surrounding the Intelligence and Yeti.”

Not only does this novel bring back these classic enemies, but it also brings back a character from the BBC’s range of Eighth Doctor Adventures from the 1990s.

Andy adds: “Ever since first reading about this character in 1997 I’ve wanted to use her; indeed, she featured in an unpublished Doctor Who novel I wrote in 1998. Her connection to UNIT, and consequently the Brigadier, has been something I’ve wanted to explore since day one of this series. In particular to show the origins of how she came to know Lethbridge-Stewart and what piqued her interest in all things alien.”

The character in question if Adrienne Kramer, future brigadier-general of the US arm of UNIT, who made her official Doctor Who debut in the 1997 novel Vampire Science by Jonathan Blum and Kate Orman. Although she originally appeared in a fan-made video, also written by Jonathan Blum, Time Rift.

Rick says: “It was a wonderful opportunity. Andy set it all up, put me in touch with Jon, who compiled a detailed background document for the character. I had never heard of Kramer, but did my research, and it has been brilliant writing for her, exploring the young woman she was in 1969, long before she became the tough soldier in Vampire Science. I’ve been very blessed to play with all these wonderful much-loved Doctor Who characters in my book, and add one of my own creations to the mythos of Doctor Who.”

Cover art is provided by Martin Baines, whose portfolio includes the Wallace & Gromit comic, Commando, The Beano, and more recently Thunderbirds Are Go magazine. Martin says: “As soon I was briefed on the key scene in the book, Yeti robots covered in rats coming out of the New York underground, I was onto a winner with the cover. This horrific, stark image along with the brilliant writing by Rick Cross makes this a worthy continuation to the classic Web of Fear.”

The book has a forward by Terry Molloy, who is no stranger to either Nicholas Courtney or Lethbridge-Stewart. He worked with Courtney on the audio series, The Scarifyers, and has narrated the first series of Lethbridge-Stewart audiobooks. He is perhaps best-known, among Doctor Who fans, as the actor to have played Davros, creator of the evil Daleks, more times than any other, including three 1980s Doctor Who serials and many Big Finish audio dramas.

Blurb: When Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, his fiancée Sally Wright, and nephew Owain Vine, embark on a much-needed holiday to New York City, the last thing they expect to find is a puzzling mystery involving coma patients, a stranger from a distant land and a dark menace lurking in the bowels of the city’s labyrinthine subway system.  Before long, they’re battling an ancient evil pursuing a deadly campaign of terror that could bring Manhattan under its control… and the world to its knees.

Times Squared can be pre-ordered individually, or as part of the Series 3 Bundle (both UK and overseas), which includes forthcoming novels, Blood of Atlantis by Simon A Forward, and Mind of Stone by Iain McLaughlin, or the subscription deal for those wishing to get six books for the price of five (UK only, covering the series three titles, plus the series four titles released early 2017)! Pre-order directly from; Times Squared is due for release at the end of October.


A free digital-only short story, The Wishing Bazaar by Sharon Bidwell, will be given out to all pre-order/subscription customers in October.


The previously limited print-collection, The HAVOC Files, has also been released on Kindle. Buy it here.

Episode 297 – Plants vs. Zombies

ttv_logo_newIn  this week’s show we return with another couple of reviews from Candy Jar’s Lethbridge-Stewart series. First we look at The Grandfather Infestation by John Peel. We follow that with a look at a recent short story, The Playing Dead penned by author Adrian Sherlock. We break down the good and the bad with both of these stories.

Also, with a week off, we catch up on some news, including the BBC’s announcement about an animated Power of the Daleks featuring the first appearance of Patrick Troughton’s Doctor.

And, of course, your feedback.


Third Doctor #1 Preview from Titan Comics

On September 14th, Titan Comics will release the first issue of the new Doctor Who comic series featuring the 3rd Doctor as played by Jon Pertwee!

Here’s what Titan has to say about it:

Paul Cornell returns to Doctor Who comics with THE HERALDS OF DESTRUCTION! When something enormous crashes into Bedfordshire, the Doctor, Jo Grant, and the forces of UNIT under Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart mobilise immediately – and find themselves in the middle of a pitched battle against a terrifying invader… But the shocking face that awaits their return to base may tip the whole world off its axis!

It’s classic Third Doctor action as you’ve never seen it before!

doctorwho3d1-contents dw_third_doctor_01-preview-1 dw_third_doctor_01-preview2 dw_third_doctor_01-preview3 dw_third_doctor_01-preview4