Eccleston Says He Won’t Return To Doctor Who

As reported by Digital Journal, Christopher Eccleston has confirmed that he won’t be making a return to Doctor Who.

Eccleston talks to Graham Norton

Eccleston played the Ninth Doctor in the BBC’s long-running science-fiction drama series when it returned to TV screens in 2005.  However, he left the series after only 13 episodes, handing over the role to David Tennant. Speaking to Graham Norton this morning, the 47-year-old actor said he was very pleased to have been a part of Doctor Who, “I’m very proud of what we did over those 13 episodes. My intention was to make the show a success so that the next series could follow, so I’d done what I wanted to do.”

However, when Norton hinted about a possible multi-doctor story for 2013’s 50th Anniversary and asked if Eccleston would return to the series, he said: “No, never bathe in the same river twice.”

Friday Night Who 4/29/11

Tonight at midnight CST we’ll be watching and live tweeting along to Patrick Troughton in “The Dominators” as part of our continuing Seven Weeks For Seven Doctors.  Look for the #FridayNightWho hash tag and follow @vortexshaun and @vortexglenn (@Glenn_Bartlett changed his tweet name, btw…)  See you then!

5×5: The Things You MUST Know About Doctor Who

So I’ve been talking to a lot of newbies here at work and at school about the show, riding a crest of unprecedented popularity at the moment.  And I frequently find myself repeating some of the things we told Keith before he started it.  So here’s my list of the 5 things you MUST know about Doctor Who, and the 5 things you MUST know before you sit down and try to delve into the new Series 6:

5 Things you NEED to know about Doctor Who

 1)      The Doctor is the last of the Time Lords, a race who understands, and can travel through time and space.  He does this via his TARDIS, which stands for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space.  It’s bigger on the inside, and its outside appearance is locked into that of a 1960’s London Police Box. 

2)      Time Lords have two hearts and the ability to Regenerate their bodies when injured, resulting in a new body (although sometimes the process is unpredictable.  To date, 11 different actors have played the Doctor (Matt Smith is the newest), each bringing a unique set of quirks and personality to the role, but it’s always the same man.

3)     There are 40 plus years of history associated with the program, but don’t let that deter you.  For the most part if you really need to know, they’ll let you know, and there are always plenty of fans to ask!

4)      The Doctor usually travels with one or more companions.

5)      The Doctor is beyond intelligent, often making “Sherlock Holmes” like deductions with very little available information.  Sometimes these are explained, sometimes you just roll with it.

 Things you NEED to know before you start Series 6…

 1)      Amy and Rory are the current companions, they just got married.

2)      River Song is an “on again, off again” companion.  She factors VERY heavily into the Doctor’s future, as she is moving backwards along the Doctors’ time line, so they’re never together in the right order.  (The first time they met (for the Doctor) was the last time for River, as she sacrificed herself to save him.) 

3)      We know that River is in prison for killing “A good man, a hero to many” but not who; and we know that she has a personal relationship with the Doctor, but not how.

4)      The show is unpredictable and quirky, and unlike most science fiction, the “WHOniverse” has things that may not be explainable.  Roll with it.

5)      The show is British; yes they have accents, yes sometimes they talk fast and are hard for the untrained ear to understand.  Just roll with it and stick with it!

Seven Weeks For Seven Doctors

Friday Night Who update:

We’ve changed, updated, tweaked and finalized the schedule for our 7 weeks of Friday Nigh Who, and wanted to give you guys as much notice as possible.

4/22/11 – William Hartnell in “The Aztecs”

4/29/11 – Patrick Troughton in “The Dominators”

5/6/11 – Jon Pertwee in “Carnival Of Monsters”

5/13/11 – Tom Baker in “Pyramids Of Mars” (This changed FROM “The Deadly Assassin”, as we decided to hold off on that story as part of a possible Advasary Archive with The Master)

5/20/11 – Peter Davison – “Black Orchid”

5/27/11 – Colin Baker – “Vengence On Varos”

6/3/11 – Sylvester McCoy – “Delta And The Bannermen”

If we have this figured right, this line up will end the same time as the 1st half of series 6, and then we’ll move back to David Tennant.

Spoiler Free Spoiler Warning

Just wanted to issue a warning to all our listeners.  In our latest episode (which is our longest one to date.  We had a lot to cover, but be forewarned), once we get to “The Impossible Astronaut” spoilers abound.  While this, in and of it self would not be unusual, the conversation did take a speculative turn about the nature of River Song, and… well… I think Glenn figured it out. 

On air. 

I hope he’s wrong, but the more I think about it, the more sense it makes.

So if you DONT want to have that tidbit floating in your mind, you may want to think twice before delving into the review.  There.  Now you’ve been warned.

Episode 17 – Love and Astronauts

A double dose of Who this week. First a review of the classic First Doctor story, The Aztecs. Then the episode we have been waiting for months, The Impossible Astronaut.

Also, a look back on the life of Elisabeth Sladen, our Sarah Jane Smith.

And of course, your feedback.

Plus, please note, we are still in the process of moving our iTunes feed over to our new server. If you fail to get this week’s episode in iTunes, you can subscribe to the show by clicking the subscribe links on the right side of the page. Also, you can go to to update your subscription options. And you can download a copy of the show right here from this post.


Links mentioned in the show;

Cyberman Bob by Mark Lee.

Happy Doctor Who Day

The day we have been waiting for since Boxing Day has arrived. Today is the premiere of Series 6 of Doctor Who. Please let us know what you think of the first episode. Just leave your reviews, thoughts, and opinions here in the comments on this post, or send them to We will try to read as many responses out on this week’s podcast. We can’t wait to hear what you thought.


For tonight’s edition of FRIDAY NIGHT WHO, we take a stab at the William Hartnell classic, “The Aztecs”.  Please join us on Twitter, following your hosts @glenn_bartlett, @vortexshaun and @travelingthevortex (once again, Keith is excused since this is homework for this week) for a live tweet-a-long with the episode.  Look for the #FridayNightWho hashtag.  See you at midnight, central standard time, (or about 6 AM if you’re across the pond!)

The 12 Days of WHO – Day Twelve

On the twelfth day of waiting, that didn’t go so fast…

Twelve regenerations… (if you subscribe to the line that Tom Baker gave in “The Deadly Assassin” and has been considered gospel ever since, including the Time Lords offer of a new cycle of regeneration to The Master in “The Five Doctors” and Paul McGann’s opening narration in “Doctor Who: The Movie” where he says, “A time lord has thirteen lives” (which would equate to twelve regenerations) but NOT if you believe Russel T Davies and the scripted line delivered by Matt Smith in The Sarah Jane Adventures episode “Death Of The Doctor” which indicates an almost indefinite number of regenerations are possible, (this would be supported by Romana’s multiple regenerations in the open of “Destiny Of The Daleks” where she tries on bodies as casually as she would outfits.) but of course none of this fits in the song!)

eleven Lords of Time

ten exterminating Daleks!

ninth Doctor dances,

eighth Doctor’s movie,

Seven Gamma Seven,

six spoiler warnings,

FRIDAY NIGHT WHO! (ba dump bomp, bomp)

fourth Doctor’s scarf,

three companion photos,

two Amy Ponds,

and a new website for our podcast!

The 12 Days Of WHO – Day Eleven

On the eleventh day of waiting, that didn’t go so fast…

Eleven Lords of Time

ten exterminating Daleks!

ninth Doctor dances,

eighth Doctor’s movie,

Seven Gamma Seven,

six spoiler warnings,


fourth Doctor’s scarf,

three companion photos,

two Amy Ponds,

and a new website for our podcast!

Elisabeth Sladen, ‘Sarah Jane Smith’ Has Died at 63

We here at Traveling the Vortex are greatly saddened by the news that Elisabeth Sladen, our beloved Sarah Jane Smith has passed on.

Our hearts go out to her family, friends and the many fans she has blessed with her talents over the years.



It is with much sadness that we can announce Elisabeth Sladen, the much-loved actress best known for her role as Sarah Jane Smith in Doctor Who and CBBC’s The Sarah Jane Adventures, passed away this morning. She was 63.

Lis first appeared as Sarah Jane in Doctor Who in 1973 alongside the Third Doctor Jon Pertwee and stayed for three and half seasons working alongside Jon and the Fourth Doctor Tom Baker. She returned to the role on numerous occasions over the years and, in 2007, was given her own spin-off series on CBBC – The Sarah Jane Adventures – where she would appear alongside new Doctors David Tennant and Matt Smith.

The Sarah Jane Adventures brought Lis a whole new generation of fans who grew up to love her alien-busting adventures. The series was hugely popular with fans young and old and won this year’s RTS Award for best children’s drama.

Controller of CBBC Damian Kavanagh said tonight: “I’m deeply saddened and shocked by the news of Lis’ untimely death. Lis brought joy, excitement and a sense of wonder to her many fans in her role as Sarah Jane Smith. She was adored by our young audience and I know all of them will miss her as much as I will.”

The creator of The Sarah Jane Adventures Russell T Davies said: “I absolutely loved Lis. She was funny and cheeky and clever and just simply wonderful. The universe was lucky to have Sarah Jane Smith; the world was lucky to have Lis.”

Steven Moffat, Doctor Who’s Lead Writer and Executive Producer said: “’Never meet your heroes’ wise people say. They weren’t thinking of Lis Sladen.

“Sarah Jane Smith was everybody’s hero when I was younger, and as brave and funny and brilliant as people only ever are in stories. But many years later, when I met the real Sarah-Jane – Lis Sladen herself – she was exactly as any child ever have wanted her to be. Kind and gentle and clever; and a ferociously talented actress, of course, but in that perfectly English unassuming way.

“There are a blessed few who can carry a whole television show on their talent and charisma – but I can’t think of one other who’s done it quite so politely. I once showed my son Joshua an old episode of Doctor Who, in which Lis appeared. “But that’s Sarah Jane,” he said, confused “In old Doctor Who. From years ago. How come she always look exactly the same?” It’s not a comfort today, of course, but children will still be saying that fifty years from now.”

Keith Jones, Director, BBC Cymru Wales, said: “The Sarah Jane Adventures has been one of the most successful children’s programmes on television in recent years – and without Elisabeth Sladen it would not have happened. A brilliant presence on screen and on set, she brought the excitement and energy of the Doctor Who family of programmes, of which we are very proud at BBC Wales, to a whole new generation. She will be missed by all at BBC Wales who worked with her.”

Roger Carey, who represented Lis for many years, said. “She was not just a client, but a dear friend. She was so positive about life and her natural energy was intoxicating. She couldn’t believe her luck when her career was resurrected in her own series.”

Lis had been suffering from cancer. She leaves behind a husband, actor Brian Miller, and her daughter, Sadie.