Rockin’ The Doctor

In this week’s episode we issued a challenge to Shaun and the listeners to send us your Doctor Who inpired Rock Band characters. Shaun is hard at work on the first draft of Ten, and I have to say, from what I’ve seen it looks pretty impressive.

If you have some images of your DW inspired characters, please send them to us to feature on the blog!

You can send photos to, or post them on our Facebook page.

Shaun promises me to have some of his own creations up on the blog very soon.

UPDATE – Very rough draft of Ten, but honestly when Shaun sent it to me I knew who it was even before I knew he did it in Rock Band 3. I will update the post when he gets further along.

UPDATE 2 Shaun, with the help of Keith and others has updated his Tenth Doctor character. This one is much closer to David Tennant as the Doctor.

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