No Time To Schedule

Been a while since we let you know what was up, so here we are… letting you know what is up.

Our march through the new season of WHO continues over the next four weeks…

TTV #460 – Can You Hear Me?

TTV #461 – The Haunting of Villa Diodati

TTV #462 – (S12x09)


TTV #463 – (S12x10)

Then a return to the literary worlds of Doctor Who in TTV #464 with a Book Review: Lethbridge-Stewart The Laughing Gnome: Rise of the Dominator by Robert Mammone

Hiatus – A break in the action here, as Keith and Sarah celebrate the arrival of Little Liam. Glenn and Shaun plan on recording something to fill the empty void in your lives, not sure yet what it will be!

We’ll return in April with more Big Finish as we delve into the War Doctor in TTV #465 with the Series 1 boxset: The Innocent, The Thousand Worlds, The Heart of the Battle

TTV #466 is Lethbridge-Stewart The Laughing Gnome: Lucy Wilson & The Bledoe Cadets by Tim Gambrell

And back to where we left off with the 8th Doctor in TTV #467 as we review Big Finish 8th Doctor Adventures #4.2 Situation Vacant, and #4.3 Nevermore

The 4th Doctor and Leela grace our ears with Big Finish 4th Doctor Adventures Series #3.3 The Crooked Man, and #3.4 The Evil One in TTV #468

and the first arc of Titan Comics Thirteenth Doctor Season 2 is the topic of TTV #469 (#1-4)

Plans are to draw the Laughing Gnome series to a close in May in TTV #470 with On His Majesty’s National Service by John Peel.

Beyond that? Only time will tell!

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