A Christmas Schedule Story

In keeping with our desire to let you know what’s coming up… here’s what’s coming up!

TTV #448 – Titan Comics Torchwood Vol 3, Big Finish Torchwood: Forgotten Lives

TTV #449 – Big Finish: Gallifrey Series 1: Weapon of Choice, Square One

TTV #450 – Big Finish: Gallifrey Series 1: The Inquiry, A Blind Eye

TTV #451 – The Macra Terror (with Animation)

TTV #452 – Big Finish: The War Doctor Series 1: The Innocent, The Thousand Worlds, The Heart of the Battle

TTV #452 – Big Finish Classic Doctors, New Monsters Series 1: Fallen Angels, Judon in Chains

TTV #453 – Big Finish Classic Doctors, New Monsters Series 1: Harvest of the Sycorax, The Sontaran Ordeal

TTV #454 – CHRISTMAS – Big Finish Companion Chronicle 5.3 Find and Replace, Big Finish Short Trips 6.12 The Hesitation Deviation

TTV #455 – New Years’ – Something special!

Yes, lots of Big Finish as we close out our celebration of their 20th Anniversary year. No, we don’t really know what the New Years’ special will be, WATCH THIS SPACE as they say. And yes, I have an inkling of what’s to come in 2020.

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