
Ever since we started Traveling The Vortex in January, there’s been an odd (or now that we know the TARDIS takes travels where they’re needed, not-so-odd) convergence of events.  Many will chalk this up to coincidence, and their probably right.  But there are some who will open their minds just a bit more, to the possibility of something else…

I’ve always said I am a psychic transmitter.  I don’t read minds, (and having seen the Torchwood episode “Greeks Bearing Gifts”, I’m not sure I would ever want to!) but I do notice a strange phenomenon that people around me will say or do things and we’ll both stop and look at each other, and they’ll know I was thinking it first.

So here’s a brief look at the impact we have had…

The week we did the Cybermen for our “Adversary Archives”, is the same week that BBC announced the return of the silver foes in series six.  (But we announced our intentions to review those stories first!)

We get Keith his first proper introduction to The Brig in “Spearhead From Space” and “Terror Of The Autons” as part of our Auton Adversary Archive, then loose Nicholas Courtney just days after.

We did our first full blown “companion archive” on the wonderful Elisabeth Sladen, Sarah Jane Smith, all in preparation for Keith to see her in “School Reunion”.  Then we lost her only two weeks later.

“The Time Warrior” made up part of our Sarah Jane archive, and the week we reviewed it, is the week Jeremy Bulloch came to Kansas City for KC PlanetCon.  Jeremy Bulloch was in “The Time Warrior”

Our reviews for “The Time Warrior” and “Carnival Of Monsters” inspired other Doctor Who podcasts to follow along with their own just weeks later.

BBC splits the season in two, allotting 7 episodes for the first half.  There are seven original Doctors and the Seven weeks for Seven Doctors concept for Friday Night Who is born.

We watched “Pyramids Of Mars” for Friday Night Who.  Scientists have just announced new satellite imaging of the Egyptian desert has revealed thousands of unopened tombs, and 17 more pyramids beneath the sands.

The day we watch “Black Orchid” for Friday Night Who, Chicago Tardis announces their guest star will be none other than Peter Davison.

And all that’s just for starters.  And now to prove my claims, I’m thinking of a number between one and one hundred…

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