
Friends, it is with a somewhat heavy heart (and somewhat a sigh of relief) that we have decided this is the end. We’ve talked and reviewed Doctor Who for almost 600 episodes spread over thirteen years (most of that weekly). We’ve made many friends during this time, (and probably an enemy or two, but they have yet to reveal themselves!) and wouldn’t change things for the world. But life intrudes. Keith has gone from a Who newbie to an expert in his own right–yes Keith, we officially bequeath you the title “Time Lord Eternal”. Children have grown, moved out, and been born to us in that time frame, and the demands of family time, our “day” jobs, and of course a host of other projects have taken precedence, making it harder to devote the time needed to this silly little venture. Thank you all for your continued support, we leave you with the words of the First Doctor, who says it better than we ever could.

Glenn, Shaun, Keith

2011 – 2024

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