Tag Archive: The Security Chief

Episode 69 – War Games and Other Tangents

The wait is over, this week’s episode is finally released! Thank you for your patience.

On this week’s show we continue to look at renegade Time Lords as we focus our review on the final Second Doctor story – The War Games. We’ll talk about the departure of Patrick Troughton’s Doctor, as well as a goodbye to his two faithful companions, Zoe and Jamie.

Also, in feedback we get a little off track to answer some very insightful questions from one of our devout listeners.

And a look at the news… albeit a very slow week in the Doctor Who universe.


Links mentioned in this week’s show:
James Hance: Relentlessly Cheerful Art
Adventures with the Wife in Space

John Travolta – Time Traveler?

Nicolas Cage – Vampire?

Surely there’s a FACE/OFF joke to be made here somewhere?

And now, Matt Smith playing with his hair…

And Matt Smith playing with the Beatles?

Steven Moffat’s reaction on Twitter: