Tag Archive: Friday Night Who UK

Friday Night Who Takes A Midsummer Hiatus

Just finished recording the 25th Anniversary podcast (great episode for you, hope you enjoy!) and wanted to give everyone an update on Friday Night Who.  Due to prior commitments with the Slash And Bash Sci-Fi/Horror Film Festival the 24th and 25th of June (please visit www.slashandbash.com for details) there will NOT be a Friday Night Who from us this week.  Although feel free to follow Mark and Alex at 1pm CDT for #FridayNightWhoUK (look for the hashtag on Twitter) as they review Sylvester McCoy’s seventh Doctor in Ghostlight.

We’ll return with FridayNightWho the following week with the classic Tom Baker fourth Doctor episode Genesis Of The Daleks.

After that things are still up in the air for us, but we promise to have some sort of schedule worked out for the upcoming weeks.  Hopefully we’ll see you then!