Tag Archive: Douglas Adams

Episode 423 – Life, the Universe and Krikkitmen

This week is our long-delayed book review, Doctor Who and The Krikkitmen by Douglas Adams and James Goss. Hear what we thought of the novelization of this lost story featuring the Fourth Doctor and Romana.

Plus, some more news this week from both Big Finish and Candy Jar Books.

And, of course, your feedback.




Episode 321 – Bye-Bye, Duggan!

In this week’s podcast we revisit one of our favorite stories, City of Death. But, this time it’s for a review of the novelization of the classic TV story, written by James Goss, from the story by Douglas Adams and David Fisher. We compare the treatment and discuss it’s transformation from on-screen gem to book form.

Plus, a few news items this week.


Happy Birthday Douglas and John and Graeme and Alex!

douglasadamsToday marks FOUR Whovian births, the first, well, we’d be completely remis if we forgot to celebrate good old Douglas Adams birthday today.  Aside from Hitchhikers Guide, he was script editor on Doctor Who for a while, and wrote the episodes “The Pirate Planet” and “City Of Death” along with “Shada”.



Also celebrating today is director extraordinaire, Graeme Harper, who among others is responsible for “The Waters Of Mars” AND “The Caves Of Androzani”.



JohnBarrowmanAnother birthday boy is the one and only Captain Jack Harkness, John Barrowman, who, we’d like to reiterate, is NOT in the 50th anniversary episode, but is in talks to be.

Big difference kids. 🙂


And last but certainly not least, our birthday girl is Dr. River Song herself, Alex Kingston.

Episode 80 – All Things Shada

We’ve been promising a review of Shada and the time has finally come. This week we look at, Shada – The Novel, Shada – The VHS reconstruction, Shada – The Big Finish audio and BBCi webisode, and Shada – The Flamethrower (The kids love this one.)

Also, a look at one really cool bit of news, the sonic screwdriver t.v. remote control. Yes, it’s as cool as it sounds.

Plus your feed back!


Links mentioned in the show:
Doctor Who – Dark Eyes – Box Set
Starburst Magazine article on Ian Levine’s Shada
Starburst Magazine article reviewing Ian Levine’s Shada

Quadruple Birthday Wishes!

Today marks a bevy of birthdays in the Whoniverse, two onscreen, and two off.

Let’s start with the off-screen birthdays.  First up, today marks what would have been the late great Douglas Adams’ 60th Birthday.  Adams, of course is best known for THE HITCHHIKER’S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY, but he also wrote the episodes “City Of Death”, “The Pirate Planet”, and the never fully produced “Shada”, as well as serving as a script editor for the show.

Also celebrating today is Greame Harper who has been associated with Doctor Who in various capacities since the Pertwee years, but Harper is best known for his directing duties.  He is responsible for “Army Of Ghosts / Doomsday”, “The Stolen Earth / Journey’s End” and “The Waters Of Mars” to name a few, as well as several episodes of the spinoff The Sarah Jane Adventures, but he is renowned for helming “The Caves Of Adrozoni”.  Today Harper turns 67.

Our two on-screen birthday kids include John Barrowman, who plays everyone’s favorite rouge Captain Jack Harkness on both Doctor Who and Torchwood.  He celebrates birthday number 45 today.

And last but certainly not least is the Doctor’s wife herself, River Song.  Alex Kingston turns 49 today, though we don’t think she looks a day over 29.

Please join Traveling The Vortex in raising a glass to toast best wishes to all of them!