Friday Night Who 8/4/11

For this week you can join @KingOrokos, @Marcus_Joan and our own @VortexKeith on Twitter for #FridayNightWhoUK as they watch the fourth Doctor Tom Baker classic #RevengeOfTheCybermen.  Festivities should start Friday around 1pm CDT, or 7pm in jolly old England.

And our excursion into WHO this week takes us way back to 1973 as we review #TheThreeDoctors, with William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, and Jon Pertwee as the first three Doctors are brought together by the Time Lords to fight Omega.  Follow @vortexKeith, @vortexglenn @vortexshaun and @travelvortex for all the fun with the Tweet-A-Long, and look for the #FridayNightWho hashtags!  Friday at midnight CDT!

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