Episode 270 – Cry Havoc!

ttv_logo_newIn this week’s episode of the podcast, we play a bit of catch-up with the Titan Comics 10th Doctor series with our reviews of issues #11-15. That will conclude season one and set us up to continue with season two already under way.

Next, we look at the last of Candy Jar Books’ Lethbridge-Stewart short stories with The Dogs Of War by Andy Frankham-Allen, leading into our “spoiler filled” book review: Lethbridge-Stewart: Mutually Assured Domination by Nick Walters.

Plus, sad news this week as we talk about another Doctor Who actor’s passing. But we’ll look at some lighter news as well.

And, of course, your feedback.


Links mentioned in this week’s show:
Chrissy talks wedding details on Five(ish) Fangirls Episode #82

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