Christopher Eccleston NOT in 50th Anniversary Special

232323232fp539;7>nu=3388>776>858>WSNRCG=3389637835344nu0mrjThe BBC has confirmed that 9th Doctor actor Christopher Eccleston will not be appearing in the special planned for the show’s 50th Anniversary to air in November.

According to Digital Spy Eccleston was never attached to the special. The Daily Star had claimed he had agreed to star in the 50th, but pulled out as filming was beginning.

“Chris met with Steven Moffat a couple of times to talk about Steven’s plans for the Doctor Who 50th anniversary episode,” an official source said.

“After careful thought, Chris decided not to be in the episode. He wishes the team all the best.”

As reported last week, David Tennant, Bille Piper and John Hurt will join Matt Smith & Jenna Louise Coleman.

Also guest starring, Joanna Page (Gavin & Stacy). Several pictures of the first read through were released by the BBC.



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