Happy Birthday Douglas and John and Graeme and Alex!

douglasadamsToday marks FOUR Whovian births, the first, well, we’d be completely remis if we forgot to celebrate good old Douglas Adams birthday today.  Aside from Hitchhikers Guide, he was script editor on Doctor Who for a while, and wrote the episodes “The Pirate Planet” and “City Of Death” along with “Shada”.



Also celebrating today is director extraordinaire, Graeme Harper, who among others is responsible for “The Waters Of Mars” AND “The Caves Of Androzani”.



JohnBarrowmanAnother birthday boy is the one and only Captain Jack Harkness, John Barrowman, who, we’d like to reiterate, is NOT in the 50th anniversary episode, but is in talks to be.

Big difference kids. 🙂


And last but certainly not least, our birthday girl is Dr. River Song herself, Alex Kingston.

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