Episode 104 – Between Now and Now

NEW_TTV_LOGO_200Glenn is back from holiday and just in time, too. First, the Odd Couple managed to pull the podcast off last week with only a few minor issues, but it’s good to have the whole team back together.

In this week’s episode we tackle another Adversary Archive: The Master 2.0. We review the Third Doctor story, The Time Monster, followed by the Seventh Doctor Big Finish Audio adventure, Dust Breeding.

Also, Glenn talks about his trip to Walt Disney World (sorry for the length) and we give our reaction to the news of the week, including a guest announcement for Gallifrey One.

And of course, your feedback.


Links mentioned in this week’s show:

The 24 Hours of Gallifrey One
Pacific Rim trailer
Geekquality.com Moffat post

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