Episode 95 – Oz the Great and Terrible

In this week’s episode, we venture back to the First Doctor’s era and join he, Ian and Barbara as they meet their newest companion, Vicki. Listen as we review the two stories The Rescue and The Romans and give our impressions on what is arguably a nexus point in the character of the Doctor.

Also, a look at the stories making news this week, including a release announcement for the story, Shada, finally coming to DVD.

And of course, your feedback.


Links mentioned on the show:


Project Motor Mouth
Doctor Who cast sings A Christmas Carol
The Doctor Who Cast Sing the Confidential Song
TARDIS trio sing Bohemian Rhapsody
John Barrowman Sings the Doctor Who Theme
If Doctor Who was a Disney Movie
and Shaun’s War Of The Worlds school trailer



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