Lost Doctor Who Tapes Found in Kansas Salt Mine

A Wichita newspaper is reporting that a large cache of Doctor Who stories, once thought lost in the BBC archive purge of the late 60’s and early 70’s, have been found in a vault in the Morton Salt mines in Hutchinson, Kansas.

Parts of the excavated mine are currently used by a company named Underground Vaults and Storage has been storing films for major studios for years. Just a year ago seven minutes of lost footage from Stanly Kubrick’s 1969 film 2001: A Space Odyssey was found in the vault.

It’s believed the lost Doctor Who stories are video taped copies of the program sent to the PBS station KPTS in the 1970’s to be shown to American audiences.

Some of the stories recovered include: from the first Doctor’s era – Marco Polo, The Daleks’ Master Plan, The Tenth Planet, and from the second Doctor’s era The Highlanders and The Wheel in Space, among several others.

Doctor Who fans worldwide should be rejoicing over this wonderful find.

Oh, by the way, Happy April Fools Day.

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