Episode 47 – A Dent in the 80’s

In this week’s episode, we revisit The Tenth Doctor and Donna, as they travel to the Planet of the Ood. Then joined by Martha and UNIT as they try to unravel the mystery of The Sontaran Stratagem and The Poison Sky.

Also, we’ll add fuel to the speculation fires as we remark on our hopes, wants, and predictions for a Doctor Who Movie with director David Yates at the helm.

And, of course, your feedback. Enjoy!

Muldwych’s article on the Movie rumors

Here is a video Keith found and is the reason why the Quantum Leap theme was going through our heads all night: Quantum Who [Doctor Who-Quantum Leap style]

While we’re at it, here’s one he found with the Firefly open: Doctor Who – Opening Credits – [Firefly – Style]

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