Episode 11 – Are You Our Mummy?

This week we explore four more Ninth Doctor stories, The Long Game, Father’s Day, The Empty Child, and The Doctor Dances.

Also, more feedback, the gauntlet is thrown down by another listener who says, HE”S our number 1 fan.

Plus, our reaction to the best news of the year, the launch date for Series 6, not for the UK, but actually for the U.S.

Hope you enjoy!

Show note links:
DoctorWho:ReincarnatedPublications – www.doctorwho-reincarnated.yolasite.com

cj’s notebook – http://cjsnotebook5.blogspot.com

Entertainment Weekly – http://insidetv.ew.com/2011/03/09/doctor-who-premiere-date/

Download Episode 11 – Are You Our Mummy.mpg

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