Pats On The Back

Having spent a large portion of my adult life as a retail manager, I can attest to the fact that sometimes all people need is a pat on the back. It’s a small gesture that makes a big impact. This week we got not one, but two bits of feedback, both of which amounted to a pat on the back.

In the first, a listener from Utah mentioned us in her blog. She too, is like Keith, a relative newbie with a passion for Doctor Who, wanting a podcast in her life. She found us, and apparently liked what she heard.

That my friends, is music to a creator’s ears. We do Traveling the Vortex because we enjoy it, and likely would do it anyway because we enjoy it. But it’s a whole-nother thing to be told that someone else likes your work, and likes it enough to comment on it. That is the icing on the cake. It feeds the ego and make you feel like whatever it is you are doing is worthwhile. I personally have gotten positive remarks on things I’ve done, stories written, scripts, (hell even the Myrka poem), and each time someone goes out of their way to compliment me, I cannot help but to swell with pride.

Thank you for that!

The second piece of feedback comes from a fellow podcaster from across the pond, in the UK. IN THE UK!!! HOW COOL IS THAT!?!? He’ll have to forgive me for not having listened to the message he left on our Google mail (I’m the technological neanderthal of the group, and haven’t figured that bit out yet) but I hear from Keith that it was very positive. It’s one thing to have someone tell you they like what you’re doing, it’s another when a respected member of the community you’re involved in does it. I imagine its like a writer being told by William Shakespeare “Good job”. (And even if it isn’t, it is to me, so allow me my delusions!)

Again, thank you!

A pat on the back. Such a small thing, and yet so impactful. I challenge each of us to leave that small thing on someone today, be it a friend, co-worker, or even a podcaster. Just a note to say, “good job.”

Bolstered with a new sense of confidence, I march forward ready to do good works.

Related Links:
cj’s notebook
The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast

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